Monday, March 18, 2013

Don't they know they're dead?

   Someone recently suggested that I should post some of my rants that I wrote before I started this blog. At the time, I thought those postings are mostly political and relate to the 2012 election. Which, according to my abacus, was before now, 2013. I thought the messages I was trying to convey were basically time stamped and had no place in the current time period.


   You see, I forgot to factor in the equation that the GOP and the trolls that reside there, are under the impression that the American public all have the same afflictions.

   Those afflictions consist of the following:
  1.  We are all blind
  2.  We are all deaf
  3.  We are all stupid
  4.  We all have a thirty-second memory
  5.  Facts confuse us
   I find it virtually unbelievable that the Republican Party continues to try to shove the same ideas and ideology down our throats that the voters, clearly rejected in the latest election.

   Not only did the American public shun the GOP's platform, it rejected their various candidates on a wholesale level. Now, being blatantly lied to on an ongoing basis was bad enough, but they would get caught red-handed and just continue the lies.

   This was not an isolated incident, but an established agenda. So, what does that tell you about how they view us? They consider us either completely apathetic or completely stupid. Take your choice, they're equally offensive.

   The lengths that the GOP are willing to go to in order to satiate their base, whomever they might be, are bordering on treason. Purposely allowing untold damage to this nation, its economy and even its people. All for the sake of protecting and enriching the very small number of elite whom the GOP truly represent, is in my opinion an act worthy of prison time. Or better yet, hanging.

   The 8 years of George Bush Junior was an era that will go down in history as possibly the most corrupt administration that ever shamed the American Presidency. To this day, I am puzzled as to why that entire group of murderers, thieves and traitors has been allowed to walk freely among us. And yet, even with the evidence continuing to be revealed about the outrageous behavior of that administration, the GOP of today is offering the very same menu.

   George Bush Junior. was an idiot who served a need. A straw man for Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc. Now look at what we were offered last round; Romney, Trump, Gingrich, the assorted other losers. What they are saying was, is and will continue to be , isthat you and I are inconvenient objects that have to be tolerated, not taken seriously.

   The powers that run the GOP could not care less about you, me or 99.99% of this country. You are a bug to them. An insect of no value. Their agenda is their only focus and they are very used to getting what they want. To me personally, the GOP has mortally wounded itself. I can't see how it can resurrect itself as a party capable of winning any national elections very easily and it appears to me that they are determined to keep digging that hole deeper and deeper.

   And I say good riddance! I'm glad to be rid of your treacherous behavior, and the contemptuous way you purport a desire to help this country and its people  to be stronger and safer. I hope that whatever arises from the ashes of this meltdown will be a party that actually cares what happens to us.

All of us.


1 comment:

  1. The GOP leadership(?) continues to prove that any concerns for the vast majority of Americans comes in a very distant second to that of their puppet masters, the elite 1%
