I initially promised that the opinions that I give, and the stories that I tell and the satire I impart on this blog site would be entertaining and humorous and hopefully insightful and enlightening.
After reviewing my posts-to-date, I believe they weigh in a little too much on the heavy side, just like I do [Editor's note: ha]. so it is my intention to inject more humor and frivolity in the future, as well as a few human interest stories.
Let me begin this new and improved format at once.
With my reporting of my concern that our constitutional rights were being abused and ignored during the manhunt that followed the Boston bombing, I had failed to identify and acknowledge something very, very wonderful about human beings.
Something quite unique to the animal called man. Almost instinctive in his nature, and glorious to witness.
That is the fact that whenever you see a scene of destruction and devastation, where people are getting hurt or killed, you will also see a number of others who go to the aid of those injured or trapped, despite the very real possibility of their own demise, these people risk their lives to comfort and assist those victims. Not for fame or fortune, but for the sake of helping a fellow human being in need.
We witnessed this in Boston, moments after the bombs exploded there were people running to the blast site in order to aid those hurt, or assist the first responders any way they could.
We were told of the marathon runners who, despite having just run 26.2 miles, continued running to the hospital so that they might donate blood for the many injured.
Boston isn't the only place where this occurred, after 9/11 we saw thousands and thousands volunteering their time, their skills, their resources, whatever was needed, they would readily supply.
After hurricane Katrina, when their government failed them, the people of the Gulf coast received massive assistance from not only their fellow Americans, but people all around the globe.
After hurricane Katrina, when their government failed them, the people of the Gulf coast received massive assistance from not only their fellow Americans, but people all around the globe.
During the Arab Spring we were shown people being shot for their protesting, and within all the chaos and danger you could see people running in to aid those victims and get them to medical care.
All over the world, whenever earthquakes occur, or dams burst and flood, or mines collapse, or factories explode, or any of a thousand tragedies happen, You will always find people who will selflessly stand up and ask "how can I help?"
All over the world, whenever earthquakes occur, or dams burst and flood, or mines collapse, or factories explode, or any of a thousand tragedies happen, You will always find people who will selflessly stand up and ask "how can I help?"
With all the infighting and derision, the atrocities inflicted, and the suffering endured by so many these perilous days, it makes my heart smile. and my hope for us grow, to see the proof of man's basic love of his brothers, and his concern for their welfare. Thank you to all who restore my faith in the human race, God bless you, and may God bless the human race.
[Editor's note: You're welcome.]