Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Do as I say, not as I do.
   My father would utter a particular phrase of advice on occasion that never really settled with me. Even at a young age, it struck me as wrong and I believe that even then I resented him giving it. The phrase was "do as I say, not as I do." 

   Now this may be a common phrase spoken by generations of parents as far back as the stone age, but I made a point to never use those words to my children. The idea that a certain action was totally legitimate for one person but not the other seemed very unfair, even back then in the 'good ol' days.' 

   So, fast forward to the present time, I find that my inner voice is screaming to myself in silence, "you don't have a problem giving advice, now show that you can take advice." Easier said than done, but I'm gonna try.

    This hobby of putting words to print started as an interesting experiment suggested to me by numerous friends and family.  It has since morphed into something that I enjoy doing greatly, and although I realize that the public at large can read everything I write, it feels to me like I'm composing a journal; a book of memos to myself to remember that learning from your mistakes might keep you from repeating them in the future, hopefully. 

   So, what's the advice I give, that now appears I must heed? Empathy. The very basic element of the golden rule. The word itself signifies many aspects of the thought process, but I believe the most important of them is the conscious effort to think outside of ones normal parameters, and play out in your mind, the logical outcome of what certain words spoken or actions taken would entail, and how they might be interpreted by others. 

   In the past I have hurt and angered some of the people in my life that make living a worthwhile venture. Intended or not, hurt still hurts. By my not heeding my own advice of compassion to others, loved ones suffered. I have been accused of being harsh and heavy-handed in my descriptions of certain groups and organizations, but unless specified by title, my placing of contempt is aimed at those in control of those enterprises, not their following. 

It's... dark in here.
   When I rant and rave regarding alleged cover-ups and conspiracies, I will regularly accuse non-believers of having their heads stuck in the ground, or being unable to grasp what is obvious to others, or unwilling to face reality. Mea Culpa.

    To those who I have personally hurt and offended, I sincerely apologize for my rudeness and insensitive actions, and offer up the following. 

   I realize now that my admonishments of those who share a different opinion than me are too all-encompassing and that there is a need on my part to hold accountable those that are guilty, and recognize the innocent as blameless, and make certain that my meanings are understood as intended. I do understand that there are many who do make the effort, and take the time to evaluate circumstances and events and come to a different conclusion than my own, and I do respect their beliefs, even if they differ from mine. 

   In no way do I intend them to feel as though I'm belittling them for those beliefs. On the contrary, my ultimate goal is that everybody take the time and put forward the effort to know and understand the issues facing us all. If, after that they see it differently than I, so be it. But, at least they have thought about it. 

   In future blogs I will be just as harsh and just as punishing as ever to those I feel are guilty, however I will use this forum to promise that in any forthcoming postings that I will strive to be more aware of my words, and try to eliminate any collateral damage from their misinterpretation.


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