Thursday, April 25, 2013

Who The Hell Decides These Things? They Need To Be Fired!

The George W. Bush Presidential Library

   The Bush library? George Bush? George W. Bush? Really? A Library? How ironic is that? This boggles my mind to no end, that a person who's taken the English language to a previously unknown level of misspoken words and phrases, a person that can't repeat a full paragraph written on a script without screwing it up, a person who claims to have graduated from college, yet sounds as if he left school after almost finishing 7th grade.
This guy is opening a library with his name on it?

    Now I realize that sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, but come on, this is just too much. How, how, how could a just and loving God allow this to happen? Is this the punishment for some unspeakable sin? Is this God's wrath being poured upon us? Or is this just God's idea of a practical joke? 

John Wayne Gacy, Jr.
   What's next, the John Wayne Gacy ranch for homeless boys? A franchise of Jeffery Dahmer butcher shops? The Osama Bin Laden school for diplomacy in government?

    When I think of a library, I imagine an institute of great learning. All the knowledge mankind has accumulated throughout history, in books, neatly lined-up on shelf after shelf, row after row, inviting you to dive in and languish in the splendor of a world filled with science, and history, and nature, and all the magical things you can possibly think of. I picture a place of great dignity and integrity, a place of high ideals, a place of honor and respect. 

   Let it suffice to say, that I don't get that same image when I think about George Jr. Let's set aside the deception and lies he told in order to declare war on, and then invade Iraq, a war that cost hundreds of thousands of lives, trillions of dollars, and put an entire region of the world into chaos that continues to this day. 

Let's also set aside the fact that he spent the entire amount of prestige the United States held in the world by the arrogant attitude and treatment of most other countries on the globe. Let's also set aside his flagrant breaking of the law, his disregard for the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, and his personal approval for the torture of prisoners. 

   But let's not set aside the fact that on countless occasions George W. Bush willingly and without remorse, broke a sacred vow he took to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

    He made a personal promise to every man, woman, and child in America with the knowledge that those promises were worthless, and to him, merely words spoken to achieve a goal.

    George W. Bush is a traitor to this country, and a liar that doesn't deserve anybody's respect. He is a dishonorable person that has done irreparable harm to this country, its people, and the people of the world. 

   A library, or any other institution of honor and distinction should not have to suffer the shame and humility of being named after George W. Bush.


1 comment:

  1. Perhaps a Vice Presidential library for Dick Cheney, something foreboding like an old decrepit castle, all dark and dank smelling of sewerage, full of secret places and having an overall air of evilness.
