In an effort to be fair in my various accusatory postures, I will attempt to broaden my description of the particular whos, whats, wheres, and whys involved, and try to separate the innocent and unknowing from any collateral damage.
When I speak harshly of the GOP, I don't intend to include every Republican party member in the nation. I'm sure that the vast number of Republicans are honest, hard working people, honorable folks who only want the best for their families and for America.
When I criticize the GOP for wrongdoing, it is those that are in control that I'm aiming at, the very top of the ladder.
I only find fault with the masses of Republicans for allowing their party leaders to act in the fashion they do, but I also realize that the amount of leverage any one party member has is obviously very limited, and the same can be said for Democrats and Independents too, I just wish they wouldn't support the party line just because they are Republicans; those that are in power take that as a free pass.
There are obvious targets of my assorted accusations, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Sununu, Rice, Clarke, and a number of others with well-known names that round out the Bush criminal cabinet.
My most fierce attacks involve this group of traitors, their selfish behavior, their arrogant lies, their diabolical agenda, their abandonment of oath and honor, their cronyism, and the reckless ways they allowed this great nations financial health to be devastated by their lords and masters on Wall street. 
These greedy bastards used war, fear, and intimidation to line their pockets with gold, and the cost was perhaps a million lives worldwide, mostly civilians, untold trillions, that's trillions, with a "T" of dollars, and the stability of the entire planet whose destiny has not yet been determined. This cabal of thieves could teach the Mafia how to steal.
One other main focus of my criticism consists of the GOP Senators and Congressmen in Washington DC.
Between the Tea Party's extreme views, and the entire tally of GOP legislators acting like sheep, by voting only along party lines, even over the desires of more than 90% of this country, these representatives of ours have successfully blocked virtually all legislation, including jobs bills, and infrastructure bills that would create millions of jobs for Americans and restart our lagging economy. They are cowards whose self interests trump any concerns for this country and its people, and they should be driven from office.
The final group of Republicans I so joyfully accuse, are the various Governors and state legislators who have used any means they deem fit to enact laws that, block voting rights, limit womens' health clinics, redistrict areas to ensure GOP victories, etc.
These GOP loyalists take their marching orders from the men behind the scenes, the money men, the connected men, men like Karl Rove and others.
If exposed to light these groups would legally be classified as an organized crime entity and prosecuted according to the RICO act, but be assured, that will never happen.
I don't think for a second that there isn't corruption within the Democratic party. It's just the sheer magnitude of corruption that permeates the GOP that overwhelms me and drives me to anger.
So in my rantings and ravings, please be assured, I respect the everyday man, regardless of party-affiliation, it's the criminal element calling the shots that I have a problem with.
The GOP in Washington DC continue to ignore the American people and their desires, and instead these cowards continue to fall in line to do their masters bidding.(WALL STREET)