Friday, May 17, 2013

Placing Blame Where It Belongs

   I am a firm believer that if a person is wrong then they should openly confess it. So I am now admitting that I was incredibly wrong on a previous blog that I posted and am here to state that I will try my best to not repeat this error of mine in any future postings.

   So what was it that I was so wrong about?

   Recently I made an appeal to the public at large that the various accusations I attribute to the GOP are by and large aimed at those that are in command of the Republican machine, holding their political followers relatively innocent of wrong doing. However, lately I have been visiting many conservative web sites just to keep abreast at just what concerns the modern Republicans hold most central. I could not believe the hate mongering going on there, it was like an electronic orgy of vigilantes whose only hope for satisfaction would be to lynch Obama.

   This wasn't isolated to only one site, it was permeating all of them, the message they were ALL sending was crystal clear, HATE, they HATE Obama, they HATE Clinton, they HATE all Democrats, these bloodthirsty backwards bastards even HATE John Boehner, and he's a Republican. In stark contrast when I visit liberal web sites I see very little GOP bashing, mostly what is represented are peoples sincere desires for progress in this country, desires like having all our political leaders working together to repair what's broken in America, repairs done by a Congress and Senate in a bi-partisan relationship, not legislators that won't even speak of bi-partisan agreements because they cowardly fear the responses of their voter base.

    In plain view of anybody who bothers watching, these GOP leaders do absolutely nothing to improve this nations situation. As if that weren't bad enough these corrupt robots willingly spew out the latest party line on cue, you can count on one hand the number of Republican lawmakers that have the balls to follow their consciences and do the right thing, the rest of them will only take action when their Lords and masters, the big banks and big business instruct them to.

    Recently there were issues concerning Benghazi and the IRS, were these issues being approached in a manner to find out the truth of their origins, hell no, the GOP  jumped on these news items like a hobo on a ham sandwich, their goal? Not the truth, they don't give a shit about that, what these puppets wanted was to convince everybody possible that the White House and it's current resident are pure evil and that they surely were behind such horrible acts.

    Whatever the agenda is that they deem this behavior of theirs is warranted and valid, the behavior of their followers is worse. It's worse because one of two things is taking place, they are either willing to look past all the traitorous actions being done because their hate for Obama is stronger than their love for America, or they are so incredibly ignorant that what is happening around them goes unnoticed and they simply believe the lies, not their eyes. So yes you die hard Republicans, I do find you at fault for the shape this nation is in, if it weren't for your arrogant self righteous attitude that keeps what little grey matter you possess from accepting the reality that what you are a part of is an out of control broken down party whose desperation is doing serious damage to America and threatens the well being of the entire planet, then maybe you would be able to see that those who swore to represent you and your beliefs are just pawns to the elite class whose concerns about your welfare do not exist. If you could see past your bigoted hatred you might recognize that this ship is sinking and oh by the way, it's taking us all down.

   Because you give these GOP lawmakers an open pass to engage in any and all destructive behavior in order to prove your hatred at any cost instead of holding them to an oath they all swore to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States of America, I hold you all guilty.


1 comment:

  1. Because you can't accept the fact that you have hitched your wagon to a losing cause you proudly accept the bullshit that you're being spoon fed.
