Saturday, November 2, 2013


    If there still remains anybody who thinks that the GOP/Tea party scandal search teams will somehow bring about the demise of either the ACA, or the President himself, do yourself a big, big favor, stop listening to those who would wish it possible, it isn't.

    The fear mongering, lie spreading, truth twisters known as the GOP/Tea party have been trying to nail President Obama on anything and everything since before he even took office, and they have yet to prove any wrongdoing on his part, but not for lack of trying, just for lack of culpability.

    The GOP/Tea party have shown everybody in the USA what they represent, a group of narrow minded bigots whose self imposed ignorance figures in perfectly with the way they would like to run this country, by forcing their so called morals and beliefs down the throats of every person in America.

    After being exposed as the American taliban that they are, the Tea party has even resorted to villifying those in their party who don't agree with their treason, who don't want the total destruction of the government, who don't fall in line like good little Nazi's.

    The GOP/Tea party has lost most of its support from businesses that now look to the more moderate Democratic party, this will continue because the far right will not stop its insane behavior until it is dead and buried, which it is fast approaching.

    So don't be upset when you see inflammatory articles touting Presidential scandal, that's just the death throes you're hearing from a small contingent of misguided racists, bigots, and ignorant idiots who are grasping at imaginary straws.

    The ACA (Obamacare) will become an overwhelming success, tens of millions of Americans will get healthcare for the first time, many more millions will see their insurance premiums reduced, at the same time that their coverage improves, and all the lies and scare tactics that the GOP/Tea party have been spreading will be exposed as the fearmongering propaganda that it is.

    Oh, and one more thing we'll see is the vast reduction of outrageous profiteering that the insurance industry, drug companies, and others have been strangling this nation with for decades. BTW, if you haven't figured it out by now, that is exactly why the ACA has been fought against so vehemently.

    So as I have said before, relax, sit back and watch the idiots run and scream in their futile attempt to stop the inevitable, it is very entertaining, and a well deserved end to those unpatriotic douchebags that would let America burn to the ground.

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