THE STORY OF DOUCHEBAGISTAN Chapter 6 "The royal family"
The offspring of king Cheney and queen Coulter were a very different group of kids.
Due to the animal and human DNA found in the royal couples system, they produced some of the strangest Douchebagistany children in the land.
Prince Cantor was the
firstborn male, and though born without genitalia, he would in time be regarded as one of the biggest dicks in the land. His royal title is the "Duke of puke".
Prince Ryan was second in line, strangely, Ryan inherited his mothers serpent DNA and was produced as an egg by queen Coulter. Prince Ryan appeared human in many ways, but his rattlesnake nature never left him. His royal title is the "Duke of fluke".
Princess Bachman was the first daughter born to king Cheney and queen Coulter, and she was at once loved by all of Douchebagistan, but the men of the land loved her the most because she was born without any gag reflexes. Her royal title is the"Dutchess of dick".
Princess Palin was truly a miracle baby, being born without any sign of a brain amazed all the doctors, apparently all the air that filled her head was enough to keep her alive, Her royal title is the "Dutchess of dumb".
Queen Coulters serpent DNA was responsible for the remainder of the royal offspring, the queen laid 9 eggs, and each of them hatched on the same day, and all of them possessed the same family traits, but these princesses would go on to prove to the world that they were every bit a snake as their mother was. These princesses were given a shared royal title, they were named, the "Dutchesses of deception".
These are the members of the royal family, each of them unique, but all of them Douchebags through and through.
Stay tuned for further chapters of the story of Douchebagistan.
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