Monday, July 22, 2013


    I give to you some of the most vile scumbags that ever walked the earth. 

 All of them possess disgusting qualities that are special to themselves.

  These 19 humans(?) are not alone in their unique ability to make others ill, and I will present those other examples of pure garbage in the future.

   For now, please enjoy these douchebags.

John Boehner
whining gutless wimp who cares more about
his job than he does about
his country

Antonin Scalia
bigoted republican 
narcissist who is
owned by the GOP

Mitt Romney
multi millionaire who lies so much he can no longer recognize truth

Mitch Mcconnell
lying mouthpiece for
Senate Republicans

Michele Bachman
closed minded open
mouthed idiot who is a national embarrassment 

The Koch brothers
billionaire bullies who do more harm to the United States than any
foreign nation could.

Sean Hannity
loudmouthed shock jock
with his head up his ass

Karl Rove
right wing conservative
whose bag of dirty tricks
and election rigging skills
are legendary 

Bill O'reilly
shockjock loudmouthed
asshole who thinks he is 
the only one who matters

Dick Cheney
need I say more?

Rush Limbaugh
Truly one of the worst
humans on this planet.
This bigoted SOB will
do and say anything for
money, he should run
for political office.

Darryl Issa
scandal hunter who should look
into his own past

Donald Trump
windbag who likes
nothing more than
starting false rumors to keep his repulsive face in
the news

Donald Rumsfeld
 (see dick cheney)

Sarah Palin
stupid egotistical
loudmouth bitch

Ted Cruz
the new Mccarthy 
for the 21st century

George W. Bush
Why Barbara should have gotten an abortion

Sheldon Adelson
mega-rich manipulator
who buys the GOP in lots of a hundred



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