All of them are lifelong Douchebags and each one has certain responsibilities.
Minister Rove oversees the dreaded Douchebagistan secret police.
Before becoming minister, Rove was employed as a female impersonator at the Wee Takitall all male lounge.
His favorite hobbies are tripping blind people and drowning small puppies.
His hobbies are opening and closing his mouth, and trying to remember to breathe.
Though the only space program is between his ears, he has fun.
The ex-kings hobbies are trying to act important, and telling people it wasn't his fault.
His duties require him to be critical of all others who act as he does.
His hobbies are cheating on his wife, taking bribes, and telling people he is still important.
Minister Limbaugh is in charge of the department of hate.
Limbaugh is especially qualified for this position due to his vast knowledge of hatred, and his many many years of experience practicing every form of it.
His hobbies are practicing beastiality with male yaks, and inserting his head into his rectum.
These are some of king Cheneys ministers, each one hand picked by Cheney because of their total commitment to the Douchebag way of living. Look for more ministers in chapter 4.
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