Tuesday, July 30, 2013


   America is nearing the tipping point, also called the point of no return, and if things don't change soon, then it will be too late.

   The disparity between the have and have nots is wider than ever, and all the indicators point to this imbalance continuing for the foreseeable future.

   There has always existed multiple economic classes in America, but beginning with the industrial revolution, the opportunities for the multitudes to realize true financial success in their own lifetime was made possible for the first time in history.

   With that opportunity the American middle class grew to be a massive financial powerhouse, everyday workers being able to afford multitudes of products that were once only attainable by the wealthiest among us.

   The beginning of the 20th century saw the elite robber barons of the day controlling all the financial resources, thereby keeping a stranglehold on any opportunity for others.

   Starting with Teddy Roosevelt's dismantling of corporate trusts and monopolies, and government legislation reigning in the abusive tactics of Corporations, along with the founding of trade unions,  the American middle class began to grow and thrive.

   During the 1920's Wall street was an unregulated entity, and as such it was manipulated by the elite for their own self enriching purposes, and just as it has done numerous times since then, the unsustainable bubble burst.

   The incredibly irresponsible practices of the day came back to annihilate not only the American economy, but the economies of virtually the entire planet.

   Along with the rest of the world, the United States was plunged into a horrible financial depression for the next decade, people had no money to purchase goods, so manufacturers laid off their workers, which created a vicious downward cycle of chain events.

   At this same time, European countries were also suffering the effects of worldwide financial collapse, but one European country in particular was also being financially strangled by other nations.

   After Germany lost World War 1, it was forced to pay restitution to France and Great Britain, since 1918 those nations had been siphoning off every asset in Germany, which kept the German economy in ruins.

   The absolute economic chaos experienced by the German people was directly responsible for the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party, and eventually World War 2.

    Ironically, WW2 was the catalyst that propelled America out of the great depression, along with the need for weapons and supplies, came the need for workers to make those items.

   After WW2 ended, America had become a mega economic giant, with the end of arms production American industries were now tasked with producing goods needed throughout the world, goods that Europe and other countries were unable to produce because their infrastructures had been destroyed.

   American industry also saw tens of millions of its own country men now with the financial ability to buy their products, along with government housing loans and the G.I. bill for veterans, Americas economy soared.

   Throughout the next few decades the American middle class grew and prospered, and as it did, so did our nation.

   But in the last few decades, something else has occurred, the middle class has been shrinking, corporations have automated production, thereby needing fewer workers, and the workers it does still require are more and more doing those jobs in places like China and India.

   The once mighty industrial American machine seems to have been parceled out to parts of the world where workers are one notch above slave status.

   With the absolutely reckless policies of the George W. Bush administration, along with 2 very expensive wars, America has been put in debt up to her neck and beyond.

   Add to that huge tax cuts on the wealthy, and mass deregulation of  banking and industry, deregulation by the way that created the unbelievably massive implosion of the housing market, and you get to where we are today.

   What we have is a GOP that is acting like a spoiled child that can't have its way, it refuses to even vote on jobs bills, or bills for infrastructure rebuilding, the GOP is more than willing to let this nation go down in flames for its corporate masters cause.

   The GOP claims that there are more people receiving some type of government assistance today than ever before, that may be the only true thing they have said in years, but they fail to add that it is because of their failed policies, and their complete allegiance to corporations, and the elite 1%  that created that situation.

   As the middle class evaporates, as the rich get richer, as the poor get poorer, America will find itself with countless millions of its citizens who find that they have nothing left to lose, and people with nothing to lose are willing to do extreme things.

   So take note GOP and the elite 1%, you have pushed the people of America to the edge, the same people who facilitated your rise to success, can also bring you down, and it won't be as pleasant of a trip, its time to stop your greed and self centered behavior.

   If the tipping point is crossed, then it will be you elite that will be responsible for it, and you will most certainly be held accountable




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