Tuesday, August 13, 2013


   Having oneself associated with certain people or groups speaks volumes of that persons character, intelligence, honesty, and integrity.

   It is with that in mind that I would suggest that if you have any honor and self respect that you would like to keep, you would be wise to distance yourself as far as possible from the following douchebags.


    Mitch Mcconnell, A sniveling, whining master at the art of lying and truth twisting, his pathetic acts of pandering to whoever is in charge shows what a hypocritical coward he really is. A true puke.

   Reince Priebus, the chairman of the GOP, is a shining example of his parties policies of deceit and fact manipulation, like a true republican, this goofy named A-hole can spew out lies en masse'.

   Perhaps the largest source of pure propaganda to exist since Nazi Germany, this absolutely vile and reprehensible arm of the GOP absurdly purports itself to be a "fair and balanced news organization", when in reality, their thinly veiled allegiance is to the conservatives and the elite. The spokesmen of Fox News, ie Limbaugh, Hannity, Oreilly, etc., are nothing more than self absorbed bigoted racists that enrich themselves while dividing this nation.

   Paul Ryan typifies todays Republican political candidate, he condemns every plan Obama wants to institute in rebuilding  America, yet the offers  he proposes as an alternative, are at best unrealistic, and usually non-existant. This jerks a true loser.

   Ted Cruz is such a douchebag, that even the other douchebags hate him. This conceited A-hole has devoted all his time trying to look important which he isn't.Though born in Canada, This un-American wants to be President in 2016, good luck butt head.

   Louie Gohmert is a racist, a bigot, and perhaps scariest of all, a complete and total lunatic, this idiot will just explode, and start ranting and raving about things that are so outrageous, that all you can do is shake your head and laugh, he is a buffoon.

   Darrell Issa  has spent all of his time, and tens of millions of taxpayer dollars, trying to scandalize Obama with anything he can think of, instead of doing the job he was sent there to do. He is among the sleaziest politicians out there. He is an arsonist who burned down his own business to collect the insurance. He easily qualifies for grand douchebag.

   Michele Bachmann, what can you say about this brainless idiot that hasn't already been said? She has the intelligence of Jello, the oratory skills of  W,  the charisma of rocks, and the self righteous attitude of a Spanish inquisitor. A waste of any air breathed.

   The Tea party is a group of bigoted losers that were formerly GOP bigots. Their entire mission is to block all progressive legislation, and if possible, to shut down the government entirely. Traitor is a fitting title for this collection of scum that tries to convince others that they want to protect America from the evil liberals. All of them are douchebags.

   And finally we have the G.O.P., though in years long past, this party was an honorable and integral part of the American political landscape, it has for some time now proven itself to be nothing more than a paid tool of the elite masters that it serves so well. Through decades of deceit and manipulation, the powers that be have created a political monster that willingly does its masters bidding, and it does so without regard to any collateral damages, up to and including America itself. The personification of evil has enveloped the GOP and its messengers of hate so much that they are more than willing to let this nation burn to the ground if they don't get their way, as they have been so often showing us.  They are the true terrorists we should be scared of.

    Visit me on f/b at http://Gettingaclue1

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