The following entities represent some of the most vile of the worlds douchebags.
They all possess one very disgusting trait, their complete disregard for the well being of the other humans on this planet.
May their greed, hate, bigotry, and evilness be their companions on their journey to Hell.
I don't think I need to explain why these bigoted morons are super douchebags.
A close relative of the above douchebags, these butt heads want to shut down the whole country.
If deceiving people was an olympic event, this propaganda machine of the GOP would win the gold medal every time.
The unbridled greed that these douchebags have displayed is almost unbelievable, they created an imaginary financial market they called "derivatives"
for the express purpose of ripping off investors, but then of course the bubble burst, but not before these purely evil S.O.B.'s collected billions of dollars in bonus money. Then these dicks had the audacity to tell their paid for puppets in Washington D.C. that if the government didn't give them money, then the entire economy would collapse. They are perhaps the biggest douchebags in the history of mankind.
Speaking of unbridled evil greed, Halliburton has been in the business of stealing from America for a while now, at the least since their previous C.E.O., Dick Cheney was in charge. These douchebags are more than willing to prompt America into war if at all possible, for that's when they can sell us all the profitable death products they offer. If you have ever wondered who the industrial military complex was, here is a shining example.
The largest retailer in the world has shown itself to possess so many douchebag qualities that pinning them down to just a couple isn't easy. By paying their employees such low wages, they force them to apply for government aid, thereby having the U.S. taxpayer subsidize it's workforce They force their suppliers to outsource their production to overseas countries just so they can stay competitive. The list of their abuses goes on and on and on.
Ever wonder who facilitates the governments way of spying on us all? Look no further.
Everyone's favorite mass murderer of the earths ecological system. B.P. and the other douchebag big oil companies won't be satisfied until they have destroyed every habitable inch of this planet.
Monsanto's slogan is, "Human safety first, unless it gets in the way of profits". This despicable crap hole of a corporation is more than willing to feed poison to us all if it means making a buck.
These two are the ultimate in douchebags, they are easily among the top ten most evil, nasty, and vile creatures that ever existed on this planet. Between their destruction and polluting of the enviroment, to their buying of politicians, to their funding of right wing extremist nut job organizations, these brothers and their corporation represent the pinnacle of the elite oppressors, Hell has a special spot for them.
There it is, some of the worst douchebags you will ever have the unpleasant experience of knowing.
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