Thursday, August 15, 2013


   This is a Plea to the every day Republican, it is not intended for the GOP elite, for you are a major reason that the Republican party is what it is today.

   My plea is also not directed at Libertarians or the members of the Tea Party, whose sole purpose is to totally shut down government and let the chips fall where they may, regardless of who pays the price.

   If you are just a regular middle class American who doesn't really want to get caught up in all the rhetoric and name calling in todays heated political climate, and you vote GOP, then this message is for you specifically.

   Just so you know, I had been a Republican for most of my life, not that I took any great interest in politics during that time, but my family were all Republicans, so I just went with the status quo.

   It was when Reagan was President that I started feeling uneasy about the direction the GOP was heading, the whole Iran/Contra scandal opened my eyes to their apparent agenda.

   When Bush senior invaded Iraq, I bought into the propaganda at the time, but I still didn't like that we were protecting the oil companies interests, while being told we were only there to save Kuwait.

   What started me questioning the integrity of the GOP was the 2000 elections, and the obvious ways  the voting was being manipulated to favor Bush Jr.

   As soon as he took power, George W. slashed taxes on the wealthiest among us, then he began to deregulate every industry in sight, giving his crony friends an open invitation to fleece us all.  

   Again, I didn't like it, but I accepted it.

   After 9/11, I, like most Americans, supported the President in his efforts to bring justice and safety to our nation.

   Within 2 years, Bush/Cheney had intimidated the congress into passing legislation that trampled our constitutional rights, and at the same time, openly lied to us so they could invade Iraq, something they had wanted to do for awhile.

   The GOP's tactics to get Bush re-elected in 2004, were to scare the hell out of Americans, telling them lie after lie how they had saved us from the boogymen, and that if we don't vote for them, then we will all be murdered by the unknown evil that lurks just outside our doors.

   In 2006/7 the walls on the GOP's house of cards began to collapse, the industries that the GOP were so eager to deregulate, proved just how greedy and destructive they could be without any oversight.

   Wall street pulled off the biggest Ponzi scheme in history with their housing derivatives nightmare, causing millions of Americans to lose their houses, jobs, and retirement savings when that bubble burst and plummeted the world into financial ruin.  

   By 2008, the sheer arrogance and condescending attitude of Bush/Cheney/GOP was too much, I was unable to even look at those criminals without the feeling that America was raped and beaten by them   
  Then, in the 2008 election,what were we offered? 
McCain and Palin, a man whose old enough to die any second, and a totally unqualified moron.

   By this time my eyes and ears were wide open on the political scene in America, it was incredibly obvious that the GOP was paying lip service to all the people, while fulfilling the agenda of their true masters, corporations, banks, big oil, and the elite rich in America.

   Not only have the GOP kept and maintained that agenda, they have put their efforts into hyper-drive. 

   The GOP has been blocking jobs bills and other legislation designed to bolster the economy for one reason, to blame Obama and the Democratic party for a failed economy.

   The list of liars and buffoons they offered in the 2012 election proves that whoever they put into office is just their puppet, completing their agenda.

   What I am asking you, the everyday Republican voter to do, is to ask yourself these questions, and honestly think about the answers you come up with, and when you are finished, if you are still sure that the GOP has yours and Americas best interest at heart, then God bless you, vote GOP, but if you see as I have, that money and power are the only gods they worship, then please reconsider putting them in office, where they can continue to destroy America.

   Ask yourself, Why does a party have a standing directive for its members to block any and all legislation proposed by the other party?

   Ask yourself, Why does a party vote down bills that would create millions of American jobs?

   Ask yourself, why would a party spend tens of millions of taxpayer dollars, and countless days, holding congressional hearings in the pursuit of scandalizing a President, when there is absolutely no evidence of his wrongdoing?

   Ask yourself, why would a party keep touting that we need more corporate deregulation, when we have already see the devastating effects that has?

   Now ask yourself this, do you really want to be associated with a party whose philosophy is that the ends justify the means, if we have to lie, deceive, spread false rumors, then so be it? Do you? Really?

   I'm not claiming that the Democrats are angels, they have their corrupt and self serving members too, but at least their agenda is to try and help the American people as a whole, not just the top 1%.



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