Monday, August 5, 2013


   Just how dumb would the GOP and their lords and masters, Wall street, big banks, big oil, corporate America, etc. like us all to be?

   The answer is, they would like us as dumb as possible.

   Why on earth would they want that you ask? Because the dumber you are, the less questions you will ask them to answer.

   Questions such as, "is that food safe to eat?", and, "is fracking for gas environmentally safe?, and, "can you be trusted with my life savings?"

   They would really, really prefer not having to answer questions like these because they realize that their insatiable greed causes them to place our welfare and well being a distant 2nd or 3rd, way behind personal enrichment, and corporate profits.

   It's not that they won't answer these important questions being posed by the public, they do, they just answer them with lies and deceit.

   If need be, they will hire specialist groups to do "test studies", and "impact evaluations" in order to determine any detrimental effects, studies done to put our fears and concerns at ease.

   The problem is, these "specialists" they hire are there to do one thing, insure that their findings are exactly what those that hired them want them to be.

   Look at the tobacco industry and how it's "experts"
lied to us for years and years, if you don't think that type of thing is still happening then you need to take off those rose colored glasses.

   The only thing that these corporations and the elite that own them give a damn about is your money, and what is needed for you to give it to them, and they will do whatever it takes to do that.

   So, the more you believe their spin about having your health and happiness as their main priority, the more you will trust them and buy whatever they're selling, be that petroleum, policies, or practices.

   Ask yourself this, why would the GOP ever want to cut funding for education? 

   It's because an educated public is an informed public, and an informed public takes much greater notice of the things being done in their names.

   An educated and informed public doesn't take what it is being told at face value, it investigates and scrutinizes statements and claims being made to determine if they are true or not.

   If you compare two statistical map charts of the United States, one showing the areas of the nation with the least educated population, and the other showing the areas containing the highest percentage of GOP voters, you will find that their similarities are amazing.

   A drug company omits negative data to the FDA in order to get a new drug to market, that drug proves to be toxic and gets recalled, the drug company gets fined $10 million, but in the meantime it has made profits of $500 million selling that drug.

 An oil corporation is found illegally drilling on public land, it gets an $80 million fine, but the oil they have stolen has profited them $900 million.

   An investment and banking industry conspires to create the biggest Ponzi scheme in history, when the scheme finally implodes, millions of innocent people lose their life savings, and an entire world is plunged into financial chaos. The executives of those companies receive bonuses of millions of dollars each, and the taxpayers have to bailout the offenders, and no one goes to jail.

   With these and many, many more shameless acts of pure greed being done against us by those who own most of this country already, it is a wonder we haven't strung up those responsible yet. (hopefully soon)

   But the saving grace for the elite puppet masters is, those masses of uninformed, ignorant, apathetic Americans who are unable or unwilling to open their eyes and see what is really happening around them, see that they are becoming slaves to an evil and uncaring group that views them as nothing more than a cash cow, a cow to be milked till it's dry.

   Unless we can get those masses to be interested in the future of America, I'm afraid that Americas future is going to be pretty bleak.



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