Anybody who pays even a minimum of attention to the political scene these days knows some of the things happening around them.
To those of us watching, the most apparent thing is the GOP/Tea party in hyper desperation mode.
The conservative movement has for many years now been quite comfortable representing the wants and desires of the corporations and the elite 1% in America, and quite comfortable accepting the cash they so generously supply to their political puppets.
Now I'm not implying the left doesn't have it's share of corrupt political figures, of course it does, but there are dramatic differences between the two.
First of all, the ones doing the corrupting are the ones with the most money, ie. Banks, Wall street, Big oil, etc., and the main interest they have is to keep government from regulating or overseeing them.
The elite that own those corporations seem to believe that they are above the law, that they are somehow superior to the rest of us, and they should therefore be granted special treatment.
Their behavior is nothing new, since the human species first began living together in large groups there have been those whose desire to control the lives of others drove them to incredible actions.
That being said, the two major political parties in America are the GOP, and the Democrats. The Democratic party has a platform of equality for all Americans, that we are our brothers keepers, that we are a country blessed with enough riches that nobody should live in poverty, or go hungry.
The Democrats feel that those who have been the most successful among us, have done so because of the efforts and contributions from all of us, and therefore should share more with the rest.
The GOP on the other hand aspire more to an attitude of , "I got mine, go get your own".
They believe that they alone were responsible for their success, and that sharing any of it is unfair.
With that in mind, the GOP is naturally going to appeal the most to those that don't like the idea of having to share with the rest, and thus, the GOP receives a far greater share of contributions from the elite and corporate world.
Somehow the GOP/Tea party has convinced many Americans to vote against their own self interests, and that the Democrats are trying to destroy their way of living.
Like I said, the conservatives are in a desperate mode right now, every time they try indicting our President for wrongdoing, it has come 360 degrees to bite them on the ass.
They swore to make him a failed President, and for 5 years they have done every possible thing they could think of to make that happen, but they only ended up shooting themselves in the foot every single time.
But guess what GOP, even with all your tries at sabotaging the ACA, it is now hitting its stride, the web site is working great, people are signing up in huge numbers, the success stories are rolling in, and now you have nothing.
I normally feel sorry for the loser, at least a little bit, but after all the crap you did in your evil plan to win back voters, I have nothing but contempt for your nasty party.
I will laugh at your misery, I will toast your demise, there isn't anything bad that can happen to you that I won't enjoy observing.
Your despicable group of traitors have proven over and over that the only thing you give a damn about is money and power, well, enjoy what you have now, because in 2014 most of your ugly party will be hitting the bricks, and in 2016, the left should be controlling both houses, and the Presidency.
Even with your gerry mandered districts, your voter suppression, your ballot rigging, your fear mongering, your false accusations, you will not win, you have shown your true nature, that of a morally corrupt group of self centered bigots who don't give a damn about anybody but themselves.
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