Between my bouts of uncontrollable laughter, I will sometimes pinch myself just to make sure that this isn't just a pleasant dream I'm having.
I have said many times that the GOP/Tea party has passed the point of no return, that all their evil ways of attempting to regain political power have come full circle, and now it's biting them in the ass.
Their gerrymandering districts, their unending attempts of repealing healthcare, their suppression of voting rights, their non stop filibustering, their refusal to hold votes on jobs bills, infrastructure bills, and any other bills put forth by the Democrats, their holding this nation hostage and threatening it's financial life, it just goes on and on.
They did all these things with the bravado of a king, somehow believing that the American public was too stupid to see what they were up to, well guess what GOP/Tea party, surprise, we know you are lying, we know you represent the elite 1% and the corporate masters that own you, we know that you are nothing but arrogant self serving bigots who don't give a damn about anybody but yourselves.
Your treasonous party plunged this nation into the longest war in its history, you have cost us thousands of brave American lives, trillions of dollars, and succeeded in allowing your corporate masters to nearly destroy our entire economy.
And then to prove just how evil and despicable you are, you try to turn around and blame the current President for all the failures that your party is responsible for, well listen up, you are done, in the 2014 and 2016 elections, we are going to fire your worthless asses and send you back to your cesspool of ignorant likeminded bigots.
The way you spent the last 5 years doing absolutely nothing but attempting to obstruct every piece of legislation proposed by the Democrats, the way you tried over and over and over to make our President look like a failure, the ever increasing amount of lies and deception you so comfortably spewed out, have shown that you are well aware that the majority of this nation is opposed to your views.
And now, after everything you have tried has failed, you are becoming more and more desperate.
Instead of expanding your base, you chose instead to double down on your archaic policies, instead of listening to the people, you were just the lapdog of the rich, instead of doing the right thing for America, you turned your back on this country.
I have to admit that watching you the last 5 years has been very entertaining, how each and every time you tried to indict our President in wrong doing, it always ended with you shooting yourself in the foot, not once or twice, but every damn time.
I guess that since every Republican President in the last 50 years has been guilty of corruption and dishonor, you must have figured that President Obama must be corrupt too, of course you were wrong.
President Obama has shown more leadership than
all the GOP Presidents combined, add to that he is a moral man with rock solid family values, and an unbridled passion for helping the disenfranchised among us. He supports the everyday American, not just the elite, he is a believer in the America our forefathers envisioned, not the America the elite would like to rule.
So after all your many failures, you put all your eggs into one basket, the hope that the ACA would be a complete failure, and that you could ride out the 2014 and 2016 elections telling everybody that your party was the right answer to our problems.
But guess what, even with your trying incredibly hard to sabotage the ACA, it has been getting better and better, and people are again seeing just how low you are willing to go to get your way.
And now with that taken away from you, all we hear are the same old false issues you love to scare people with, and that desperation is what makes me laugh.
You are a pathetic party of traitors, your evil agenda of greed and power make you despicable, I wish for your party all the nasty and bad things that can happen to them, I gleefully laugh at your every misfortune, and I happily toast your ultimate demise
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