Friday, December 20, 2013


   I, like a great deal of Americans, consider myself a follower of Christs teachings, thus, a Christian.

   However, just as there are a variety of different cultures and ethnic backgrounds in the U.S., there are also a variety of Christianities that abound here.

   Some people look at how the Muslim faith is divided between the Shiite and the Sunni sects, and are confounded that two groups who proclaim the same faith can be so hostile to each other.

   Well, they've got nothing on us, there are so many different angles on what a Christian is supposed to be, that it makes your head spin.

   Now the days of killing each other over our differences are mostly behind us, but there remains some ugly reminders of just why we factionalized in the first place.

   Since Christianity began there have been those that devined different interpretations of Christs words, and then acted on those interpretations.

   Most notably, the Roman Catholics, the Protestants, the Mormons, Jehovahs witnesses, etc., and the offshoots of them, all that feel that they are the ones that are right.

   Now days these groups tolerate each other, and generally respect the others right to believe what they want, but there is a group that exists that is giving a bad name to the term "Christian".

   Mostly they call themselves "fundamentalists".

   Now this group is nothing new, they have been around for awhile, and the term actually describes a broad number of believers. 

   But the ones that are the problem, are those that like to mix large amounts of politics with their faith

   The most obvious of these lately are the members calling themselves the Tea party. They are mostly southern whites whose main motives seem to be in destroying the U.S. government.

   Unable to garner any real political power, they instead choose to attempt dismantling the current government structure.

   Although they loudly demand freedom, that would be the last thing we would have if these bigots were in charge.

   Instead we would have a small group that would dictate every step of our lives, they love to tell people what they can and can't do, in Gods name of course.

   This band of zealots criticize sharia law, and the Taliban, when in reality, they are just like them, ready to control your life as they see fit.

   The fact that the demographics of America are rapidly changing in favor of non white people is scaring the hell out of this group, probably because they fear that they will get treated as poorly as they treated others.

   Regardless of the desperate and destructive acts they partake in, this group will never usurp power from the majority of Americans, those that believe we are all in this together, and that when we take care of one another, we are making America a much better nation, a nation that cares for all of its citizens, not just a chosen few.

   My guess is that the very narrow and self serving way these fundamentalists pick and choose the parts of the bible that best serves their needs would be looked upon rather poorly by Christ, so I wish they would call themselves something else, because they are giving the term "Christian", a bad name.



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