Sunday, May 26, 2013

To Those Who Gave All For America, Thank You

   Memorial day is a time that all Americans reflect back on those men and women who have sacrificed themselves in the service to us and our great nation. I can think of no thing more honorable or special to write about than a tribute to the heroes of America.

   In the 18th century we fought America's first war, the War of Independence. America was born from that unlikely success we enjoyed way back then, when states didn't exist yet, only colonies loosely united. But even back 237 years ago when its people were being treated with contempt and disdain, those early Americans rose up and went forth in the face of overwhelming odds to defend this land and its people against the tyranny being imposed on it by a ruler an ocean away.

   Thousands gave their lives way back then so that their children and their childrens children would be able to live in a land of freedom. We had forefathers who had the insight and wisdom to provide us with a road map for democracy, the Constitution and the Bill of rights, perhaps the most important documents ever written. Those revolutionary soldiers set the standard of what Americas military would become, a proud professional force whose courage and honor could not be surpassed, and whose strength on the field of battle would become legendary.

   In the first half of the 19th century the military proved it's abilities in two major conflicts, the war of 1812 and the Mexican American war. In 1861 our great nation faced its worst nightmare, a civil war. The American civil war threatened to tear the United States apart forever, and although it began as a war for states rights, its ultimate cause would be for the enforcement of that which is written in our Constitution, that "all men are created equal."

   The civil war succeeded in putting right a situation that shamed America, abolishing slavery. The civil war cost over 600,000 American lives, by far more than all other wars combined to that point in time, but it also brought a new beginning to these still United States of America. We ended the 19th century with the Spanish American war, where we established our military reach virtually around the world. Early in the 20th century America was quickly becoming an industrial giant and its influence in world affairs growing. Beginning in 1914 European nations entered war with each other that would eventually draw in most of the world.

   Although The United States attempted to keep itself isolated from the conflict, we too were drawn into battle. By having our brave fighting men entering what was called the "war to end all wars", the gridlock was broken and the Americans and their allies were the victors in what would be known as World War I. This was a turning point for Americas military, we had gone abroad in the defense of other nations right to freedom.

   Twenty one years later the European nations again found themselves at war with each other, and we again attempted to stay removed from their conflict. However over the next 2 years it was becoming more and more apparent that the only way this new war would end with the worlds freedom intact would be for the United States to once again enter the fray. While our nation was debating on whether or not to become involved, the decision was made for us on December 7, 1941. That day Japan attacked our Pacific fleet in Pearl harbor and decimated our battleships, it had also attacked our military bases throughout the Pacific. The next day we declared war on Japan, a short time later Japans allies, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States.

   Once again the entire world was at war with each other, and once again the brave men and women of America stood up and took their place in the defense of freedom. For four years the might of the American military fought battles worldwide and in 1945 became the victors over tyranny. That massive war cost over half a million American lives, lives sacrificed on foreign soil in the name of freedom. Just 5 years later we again found ourselves engulfed in a conflict in Korea that would claim thousands of American lives. In the 1960's and 70's the Vietnam war would cost over 50,000 brave Americans their lives.

    Through the 1980's and 90's Americas military answered the call to battle and did their duty without question. Here in the 21st century Americas fighting men and women have again been sent to foreign lands and again have given their all while representing this nation. All throughout the history of our great nation the bravery and honor of the men and women of Americas military have gone unquestioned, and their integrity and strength are unequaled in the world today.

   To the countless number of those American heroes who gave their lives, and the families that lost them, we owe our undying gratitude and thanks, for without their great sacrifices we would not have a United States of America, and the world would be a much different place. So be grateful everyday, but be especially grateful today, and say a prayer of thanks to the ones who made freedom possible for us all. May God bless America, and the brave men and women who protect it every day.   

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1 comment:

  1. To those that have given their lives for our freedom we need to be eternally grateful
