I am an admitted liberal, I happen to hold views that both parties profess as their core philosophy. For instance, I believe that abortion is wrong, at the same time I feel a woman has the right to determine her own situation regarding her health and all it implies. I believe fervently in the second amendment. but I can't see how background checks for firearm purchases threatens us, there are hundreds of millions of guns already in the hands of regular Americans, my guess would be that a well armed citizenry is not on the endangered species list. There are many crossover issues I believe in so I'm not comfortable calling myself a Republican or a Democrat,
I can only assume that there are many others like me who don't see an issue as either black or white, but as somewhere between those two extremes. For whatever reason, it would appear that being a moderate these days is akin to being a leper in times long past. No matter what I rant on about I get flak for my position, especially from two of my sons, one would hold that my professing of my belief that a particular political parties actions constituted a conspiracy that undermines all this nation holds dear was nothing but a delusional episode I was experiencing, while the other would criticize me for being naive because I failed to see that the entire system is corrupt beyond redemption.
I hold fast to my beliefs, that there is good and bad in all things and that very little exists in life that can be labeled as just black or just white. For more than 237 years America has been governed by the rule of law, those laws originated from a system purposefully designed to rely on moderation and compromise. In spite of ourselves we have not only survived as a nation for this long, but have long been recognized as the desired role model for the rest of the planet because we have abided by that system our forefathers had the insight to install into our Constitution.
At the present time in our history we seem to be in the midst of a political crisis that threatens not just the American people, but of the entire worlds inhabitants. Ever since 9/11/2001 the powers that be have been chipping away at the constitutional rights that have made this country what it was. The people who decide such things have sworn that all these procedures were needed in order to keep us safe and secure. Well with 12 years of war behind us does anybody feel any safer? How about having illegal random traffic stops so the police can interrogate "SUSPICIOUS" persons, does that make you feel more secure?
How much safer does it make us to have surveillance cameras watching us our every waking moment? Perhaps getting a nice greeting with your pat down at the airport gives you a warm fuzzy feeling. Just think of how safe and secure we would be if we could live in a big building with locked doors and armed guards that would keep all the bad people from getting to us, now that would be safe.
Both Republican and Democratic lawmakers have been culpable in legislation that continues to marginalize the American citizen, it is at are own peril that we allow this behavior to continue. I frequently blast the GOP for their anti-American tactics lately not because I believe the Democrats are so altruistic and guilt free of wrong doing, but because the GOP has become a runaway train, and like a speeding train with no one at the controls, it does not care about how much carnage and destruction lies ahead, it just keeps speeding up.
Our current system is obviously flawed, but as American citizens it is our patriotic duty to right what has been wronged, to reset the game and put back in place the principles that first guided us as a new nation. The ONLY way to accomplish that is to raise our voices and protest the way the GOP is obstructing legislative progress, to protest our President approving documents that further curtail our constitutional rights, to end these ridiculous witch hunts, and to stop the squabbling and bickering being done in the Congress and the Senate.
Abraham Lincoln said that this country will only survive if we have a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people". It is as true today as it was 150 years ago, and if we don't fix this problem soon, then I believe it won't be long until it is too late to fix anything.