- The war in Iraq was ten times worse than World War II.
- The Boston bombing was ten times worse than 9/11/01.
- The L.A. riots were ten times worse than the U,S. civil war.
- The Benghazi cover up is ten times worse than Watergate.
What do these statements all have in common?
Well, if you are the proud owner of a brain that functions as it should then you will quickly realize that all four of these claims are full of shit. The absurdity that whatever occurred in Benghazi was ten times worse than the Watergate scandal is the pinnacle of propaganda. The lies and half-truths being presented as facts by the Republican representatives investigating the Benghazi incident are worded to sound as if proof was discovered and evidence of a diabolical cover up existed.
But if you listen closely to these political spin masters you will notice that they do not have any evidence of Obama or Clinton's supposed wrong-doing; instead, they spew out conjecture and accusations designed specifically to confuse people into believing that they possess the proof that Obama and Clinton were complicit in a grand cover up attempt.
Just when I thought the GOP couldn't surprise me anymore with the kind of bullshit they are more than willing to engage in and the outrageous butchering of the truth they seem to be so adept at, they come up with this crap and once again they do surprise me at their willingness to sink to any level needed to keep their message of hate alive. They claimed that the Benghazi incident is worse than Watergate and the Iran/Contra scandal combined, 10 times worse!
Are they f***ing kidding?
Let's do a little history lesson. The Iran/Contra scandal involved a covert operation by the CIA with the full support and backing from the Reagan White House, the Congress had specifically passed laws banning our government from arming and equipping the Contra rebel army, the CIA then circumvented the Congresses mandate by secretly selling weapons to Iran and funneling the money to the contras, again secretly. This was done covertly because they were breaking the very laws that were passed to prevent this happening. A very GOP type of operation.
In 2003 GOP President Bush and his evil posse manipulated evidence, withheld intelligence, and knowingly lied to and deceived the American public in order to invade Iraq, an agenda they desperately wanted to fulfill. The cost of that agenda item was TRILLIONS of dollars, 1,000,000 Iraqi lives, over 4,000 American lives, and ongoing instability and conflict throughout the region.
In the early 1970's the GOP conducted break-ins at various places in order to steal documents for their efforts in smear campaigns. They broke into the headquarters of the Democratic Party to find out their plans for the 1972 elections. The DNC had offices in the Watergate Towers in DC, thus the name.
The Nixon White House also used the FBI illegally to bug what it called its enemies. It again illegally used the IRS to harass specific targets that the GOP deemed enemies. The President at the time, Richard Nixon was proven complicit in an enormous cover up plot and only escaped impeachment by resigning his office. Some of the guilty were sentenced to prison, but Nixon got conveniently pardoned by the new (GOP) President, Gerald Ford.
Now what the GOP is claiming is that Obama and Clinton knew that the attacks in Benghazi were done by terrorists and decided to cover up that information because they feared it would cost them reelection in 2012.
Once again, are they f***ing kidding me?
The desperation so obviously witnessed in the GOP's actions would be hilariously amusing if it weren't for one thing. In their all out effort to thwart any positive reflections on the Obama Presidency the GOP is willing to take any measures it deems are needed, and if those measures result in damage to this nation or its citizens then so be it. The GOP is damaged goods and has become a real threat to the well being of America, if it is allowed to continue dragging this nation into the abyss then we are all going to suffer.
Todays GOP is the thing that is ten times worse than ever came before it, their arrogant disregard of the truth, their belligerent refusal to be bi-partisan on all legislation, and their utter contempt of the people they took an oath to represent puts them in a unique place in history as the worst political party that ever was.
My hopes for the Republican party being able to reestablish itself as a legitimate organization are fading fast as they continue their self imposed free fall into obscurity.
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