I therefore was elated when I saw our President dressing down the various Senators and Congressmen who were responsible for failing to enact legislation requiring background checks on individuals purchasing firearms; giving proof of their cowardly allegiance to the gun lobby and the NRA.
It further boosts my faith in Obama to hear him reiterate the dire need for the closure of Guantanamo and to go forward with the final deposition of those that have been kept there in a state of legal limbo.
The passion in his voice and strength of his words reminded me of the Obama I so desperately hoped would be the savior of a great nation that had been spiralling into the darkness for the previous eight years. Watching him at the White House Correspondents' Dinner on television, and the charismatic way he showed his compassion for and his common bond with the everyday American somehow comforted me and eased my concerns.
When he voiced his admiration and support for a professional sports figure's courage in announcing he was gay and his public support of equality for gays to marry, he showed that unlike the current legislators who hide behind party platforms, lacking the balls it takes to speak out for what's right, he's willing to face the possibl
Between 2000 and 2008 my optimism and outlook for a bright future grew dimmer and dimmer with each passing year, until it reached a point where it couldn't get any more dismal, then Barack Obama got elected as President of the United States of America. His message of change gave me encouragement, as did the fact that we had a very much needed changing of the guard.
But by far, the thing that rose my outlook the most and gave me a huge renewal of optimism, was that the American people elected an African-American man to be their President. Against all naysayers, the people of this nation had the guts and courage to elect a candidate based on the content of his character, not the color of his skin.
That alone gave me the power to hope again, hope for this wonderful country to return to its rightful place of honor and leadership in this world. And so the President's revitalized efforts to do the right thing is a very, very welcome sight to me. And although we as a nation continue to face some very real and daunting challenges, my optimism grows daily for our future.
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