Saturday, March 9, 2013

Love to Hate

   Well, I decided that some more dialogue was needed on the subject of bigotry than I spoke about in my last blog. As I previously stated, I don't understand why someone can hate another person based on circumstances beyond that other persons ability to control. 

   While growing up in the late 50s and through the 70s, my parents were not particularly racist. There would be the occasional derogatory reference regarding minority groups of one kind or another, but never within earshot of that person and never with the type of conviction you would see on television when showing racial tensions in the south. 

  But, my parents never really taught us to accept other races on a peer group level either. Perhaps, growing up in San Jose, California, where there is a large Hispanic community, got me accustomed to being comfortable around others that didn't look like me, I really don't know.

   What I do know, is that I want to scream when I see on TV a KKK march, and there in the arms of a white sheet covered coward, is a small baby dressed up in the same ridiculous attire, complete with swastikas and all. 

   Or a little five or six-year-old, marching along with the other Nazis, shouting "white power, white power!" In my opinion these children need to be removed from that environment and given a chance to grow up without role models that seem to have cornered the market on hate. The parents who poison the minds of these innocents should go to prison for child abuse. 

   I have said in previous blogs that I make a determined effort to not hate, but there is very little else that tests my resolve more than those "people" who would aggressively expose little children to the pure evil they so lovingly embrace and espouse. The only thing that keeps me from wanting to visit violence upon these ignorant assholes is to attempt whatever empathy that I can imagine is the reason for their warped thinking. 

   The only thing that I've concluded is that these morons have such a low opinion of themselves, that they can only feel better by blaming all the worlds problems on others. Convincing themselves that they are blameless and if it weren't for those damned (fill in the blank), I would be fine and life would be good and blah , blah, blah... 

     I'm astonished at times, how many people are petrified to look inward. Examine their own lives, own up to their own faults and weaknesses. It just seems easier to blame others for your misfortune, instead of acknowledging your own failures and correcting them.

    My own philosophy is the oldest one on earth and if everyone practiced it, there would be no need for any other laws to govern us. That philosophy is the golden rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." 

   All I am saying is this: we all make mistakes. We are all scared of the unknown. We all want acceptance. So remember this, don't hate. Hate hurts you, not the one you hate. If you put forth the effort to try to understand others and use empathy, not apathy, then the person you face in the mirror will look better and better.


1 comment:

  1. in March 2013 here in Memphis ,Tn. the kkk did come to Memphis to our court house steps.. one condition they could not wear mask expecting 1,000's to march because 3 parks names are being changed.well not even 100 showed up i'm sure the mask they did not want to be exposed only 1 arrest white boy w/ the flag shirt and he was yelling racial slurs..there will always be hate i'm just glad I don't know them..
