Let me begin this posting by making one thing perfectly clear. I personally have accepted Jesus Christ as my savior.
Furthermore, I believe God has had a plan for us since the beginning of time and that plan is not, in my opinion, defined anywhere in writing to be deciphered.
I struggled for many, many years trying to understand what God was and what He wanted from me. For a long time I just fooled myself into thinking that I understood. But, I was wrong. Due to the inner frustrations I harbored between doing the so-called "right" thing and the things that I desired to do, I more and more would choose the things I wanted to do.
After some years, any voice which God had been using to talk to me through, got more and more faint. I always thought of myself as a Christian, but I doubt anyone else would recognize me that way. I'm not saying I was evil and created chaos wherever I went, but I didn't leave too many commandments intact.
I'm now 55 years old, and suffice it to say that I've been around the block enough times to be familiar with all the neighbors. Some of those times have been good, some bad, and some I truly would not wish upon anyone. Through the haze has come good, however. That's what I want to share and I believe with my entire being, what I say is true.
The secret to understanding God is the realization that we do not possess the ability to understand him.
You need to think of God as you would the universe; it is impossible to conceive the size of this universe. It's too large.
This is why we can't logically picture God. He's too complex.
At the moment I accepted that fact, I began understanding. I have read the Bible cover to cover more than once, but that's all I did: read. I did not experience.
My rational, logical thinking would be challenged by unbelievable stories contained throughout the Old and New Testament, and my skepticism would attenuate my faith in the truth. When I realized where God's words were truly written, it opened my eyes at once. For the first time in my life, I knew there truly was a God and He loved me and had a plan for me.
As simple as it sounds, I found God's words written in my heart. I know this sounds goofy and some people will say, 'of course they're written on your heart,' but the simplicity of my description belies the fact that it took a half century for me to see the truth. I'm not just saying that I know the truth now. I can feel every bit of God's love and grace in every part of my life.
Outwardly, I probably don't appear much different to those who know me. But, inside me, God has shown me that I need to rely on His strength and wisdom. The key to this all is that God loves us so much, that he wants to nurture us, to protect us and to keep us near him.
We are the ones that keep rejecting Him. I don't purport to be able to describe God to anyone else. Like I said, I'm comfortable that if we were meant to understand God , the our brains would be able to do that.
Throughout my blogging career, I will rant and rave about many subjects. Many of them political and many with what, I believe, are diabolical intentions at their root. I'll yell at people to wake up and see what's going on, and I will expose unjust behavior that shouldn't be happening.
But, regardless of my ratings and ravings, I can promise you this: I know that in the end, our heavenly Father has a place set for us where there will be no wars, no pain and no injustice. A place filled only with His love.
With the way today's world is and the leadership we're supposed to trust to see us through, I am ever-more thankful for God's unending grace.
The comfort felt in knowing God in my heart makes facing the turmoil of this world possible