Friday, March 8, 2013

Maybe They're Stupid For A Reason

   I have a lot of fun on the internet. I play a lot of games, I check out YouTube, watch the videos, browse through Hulu a while, I'll listen to songs I haven't heard in years, watch movies, investigate the various conspiracies being theorized as of late. 

   One of my favorite things to do is monitor my Facebook page to see what my friends and family are up to. I find that being a card carrying smart-ass comes in handy when being invited to comment on every conversation being posted and I love nothing better than to have someone else decide to engage me in a free-fall of flowing ideas and opinions on any subject.They can agree with me or disagree, it makes no difference to me. I just love the interaction and I am still in awe of the power of the internet.
    While some would tag me a conspiracy theorist (a title I will proudly own), I go through all the material I can find on the particular subject of my interest before I form an opinion. But, my opinions are backed with hard facts derived from many, many hours of deciphering information made available for me to view. 

   Having the internet at hand for fact-finding, as well as fact-checking is a dream come true for me. The thing that is so annoying to me, are the "people" that will post a legitimate-looking piece of information on the web and purposely disguise their true agenda, carefully blending in their propaganda and lies, amidst otherwise factual items. 

   These people cover the spectrum of issues but it appears to me that the vast majority involve the same ugly theme: bigotry. Some try to soft-peddle it, others are more blatant. But, it's the same thing. Hatred of others because they are not the right color, or race, or religion, etc. 

   I realize this has been a problem since the beginning, but I thought in this day and age people had enough exposure to the rest of humanity to see that we are all the same.

    Recently, while sparring on a posting by my nephew, a friend of his I was debating made reference that once the "coon" is out of office ,then the South shall rise again. I let her know that we Yankees have waited over 150 years for the South to rise from the mud and that it appears we have more waiting to do. 

   I could not believe the stupidity of this woman. I know it's just a word. I know she lives in the South, but c'mon. There are still countless numbers of these Neanderthals among us. What the hell has to happen before they figure out that hating anyone only hurts themselves. And hating someone for something they had no control over is stupid! 

   I'm most likely wasting my time even writing about this, but if there is a chance that anybody can realize that the path to peace within, must begin with love and acceptance of all without, then it's worth trying.


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