all those Americans who experienced any suffering due to the GOP
induced government shutdown, those of us who who believe in an America
without a need for terrorist type tactics empathize with you, and thank
you, we are truly sorry that you were made unwilling sacrificial pawns
of the GOP's radical Tea party wing. We wish for you a speedy recovery
from any damage suffered, and a complete healing in time.
To those Americans who consider themselves conservatives and vote GOP, I can only assume from the polls that MOST of you did not want, nor approve of this shutdown, and that most of you did not like the idea of America being taken hostage by ANY party, for ANY reason. The vast majority of you I'm sure love this nation as much as any democrat, liberal, progressive, or independent does, and that you also understand that America was founded on principles that majority rules will dictate how we perpetuate this country forward, not allowing a small group of individuals to threaten to destroy our way of life if they don't get their way. Though they scream and shout that they are the true patriots, their words and actions are exactly what the founding fathers fought against, they are a cancer to your party, and they will be silenced, if you are at all concerned in the health and survival of the GOP as a integral part of the American political process, then you must rid yourselves of this cancer, and take your rightful place where you belong, alongside real Americans, fighting for what you believe in, not degenerating into a group of traitors bent on destroying our nation. America needs to have a voice for those who adhere to conservative values, but not from one holding a gun to its head.
To those tea party loyalists, I believe you love America, but you are not abiding by the American ways that have guided this nation for well over 200 years, your radical agenda does not promote the ideals set forth by our founding fathers, and the actions that are being implemented by your elected representatives are anything but patriotic. You may not like the way the government is being run, you may not like the current leadership in government, you have the right to feel that way, however, you DO NOT have the right to circumvent the American political process of changing things. You DO NOT have a right to threaten America with economic destruction and chaos simply because you are unhappy with the way things are. The actions and agenda of the Tea party have no place in this great nation, and as thus, the tea party will soon be swept away like so much dirt on the floor. Take yourselves away from this radical posturing and rejoin the ones who share your beliefs, but adhere to the American methods of change, voting.
To those Americans who consider themselves conservatives and vote GOP, I can only assume from the polls that MOST of you did not want, nor approve of this shutdown, and that most of you did not like the idea of America being taken hostage by ANY party, for ANY reason. The vast majority of you I'm sure love this nation as much as any democrat, liberal, progressive, or independent does, and that you also understand that America was founded on principles that majority rules will dictate how we perpetuate this country forward, not allowing a small group of individuals to threaten to destroy our way of life if they don't get their way. Though they scream and shout that they are the true patriots, their words and actions are exactly what the founding fathers fought against, they are a cancer to your party, and they will be silenced, if you are at all concerned in the health and survival of the GOP as a integral part of the American political process, then you must rid yourselves of this cancer, and take your rightful place where you belong, alongside real Americans, fighting for what you believe in, not degenerating into a group of traitors bent on destroying our nation. America needs to have a voice for those who adhere to conservative values, but not from one holding a gun to its head.
To those tea party loyalists, I believe you love America, but you are not abiding by the American ways that have guided this nation for well over 200 years, your radical agenda does not promote the ideals set forth by our founding fathers, and the actions that are being implemented by your elected representatives are anything but patriotic. You may not like the way the government is being run, you may not like the current leadership in government, you have the right to feel that way, however, you DO NOT have the right to circumvent the American political process of changing things. You DO NOT have a right to threaten America with economic destruction and chaos simply because you are unhappy with the way things are. The actions and agenda of the Tea party have no place in this great nation, and as thus, the tea party will soon be swept away like so much dirt on the floor. Take yourselves away from this radical posturing and rejoin the ones who share your beliefs, but adhere to the American methods of change, voting.
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