When emotion rules your every thought, logic has a way of disappearing completely, thus leading you to irrational and often mistaken conclusions.
In the accepted method of thinking properly, one should gather all criteria available on the subject they are pondering, investigate all viewpoints on said subject, study the data available as well as any historical significance that subject might have had, and only then, they should form an opinion, one that takes all things into consideration, and is brought forth in as honest a manner as possible.
This is not being done by GOP/Tea party voters.
If the conservative voters were actually trying to find out the truth about what they are being told, then they could easily check the facts for their validity, but they are not doing so.
The proof lies in the continued support given to the outrageous actions and dishonest statements that party reps. such as Ted Cruz and his gang of anti American traitors, support that encourages their destructive behavior.
If the average conservative invested a little time and effort into the search for the truth, then they would not only reject the current GOP/Tea party actions, they would fight against what they're doing to America.
To conservatives I ask, turn off Fox news, don't listen to Limbaugh, Oreilly, Hannity, or the others, turn on PBS, go on your computer and search out non biased sites, non partisan news pages.
After you've made a legitimate effort, sit back and relax, then look at all the facts logically, try to be pragmatic, because when you look at the facts without spin on them, it should reveal a great deal, and it will probably surprise you, try it, you've got nothing to lose.
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