Saturday, October 19, 2013


   So far my predictions have all been spot on, I said that the government shutdown would not lead to a default by the U.S., because President Obama would not allow it to happen, and it didn't.

   I really don't deserve much credit for that prediction because as I have stated over and over, every time the GOP/Tea party attacks President Obama, they have, without fail, ended up only making themselves look more pathetic and mean.

   That is why I refer to him as "Barack Houdini Obama", because just when it appears as though he is going to be snagged by the GOP scandal game, he quickly sidesteps their imaginary accusations. and they once again shoot themselves in he foot.

   Of course it helps tremendously that the reason they are unable to pin anything on him, is because he isn't guilty of their charges.

   So now, with the government re-open, many are concerned that we will just go through this same B.S. game again in 3 months, when the debt ceiling will need to be raised again, but I'll tell you right now, don't give it a second thought, you haven't a need to worry for even a second, here's why.

   In the next 3 months the website troubles that are currently causing problems for people to sign up for the ACA  will have been fixed, and Americans will sign up in mass numbers, proving that healthcare is an important issue with the public, and that they like what is being offered, to the chagrin of the GOP.

   Also, this last folly of Ted Cruz and his small band of extortionists has shown all America that the Tea party is nothing more than terrorist rebels, who would let this nation burn to the ground while they sang Dixie and roasted marshmallows in the fire.

   But the public also saw regular GOP members who went along with their rebel contemporaries, whether from conviction, or cowardice of their getting primaried, either way, what America saw was a political party that held this entire nation and everyone in it, hostage to their demands.

   The damage done to the conservative movement was immense, so much so that the Republican brand may not survive, and if it does, it will not have any resemblance to what it was.

  So with these things in mind, the GOP won't even think about rocking the boat again just months before the midterm elections, where previously it was a shoe in that their gerrymandered districting would allow them to continue to hold the house, but after all the dust has settled, it is being predicted that they may lose control of the house.

   Be assured that in the coming months that the GOP/Tea party will continue with their lies and false accusations, but even they aren't so stupid as to try a shutdown again.



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