OK, I'll probably take a lot of heat for this one, but W.T.F., that never stopped me before,
I have been criticized more than usual lately by mostly Libertarians, they say things like,"Obama is forcing healthcare on this country", and, "Obama wants to financially ruin America", and, "Both party's are only a smokescreen to hide what's really going on".
These are but a few of the responses I receive (unrequested) when I present any positive news of our Presidents actions, or negative news of the GOP/Tea party,
The Libertarian ideal is indeed a very enticing scenario, minimal government intrusion, freedom from societal limitations, a true Utopia, but just like Utopia, it is unrealistic, and no matter how hard we close our eyes, or how many times we click our heels together, it just would not work.
It is true that we have had a few Libertarians as President in the past, but that was over 150 years ago, in an era that was totally different from today.
The complexity and massive intricacies of modern society make the idea of the "every man for himself" philosophy, and the "you do your thing and I'll do mine" mantra an absurd pipedream.
Yes the idea of pure freedom is appealing,and yes the thought of everybody seeing to each others needs is a pleasant thing, but we live in a world of fellow human beings, and one thing about human beings is, we are a selfish species, we will look out for numero uno , and we will reach out to help others in varying degrees, but 99 times out of 100, that will happen only after our own needs and wants are satisfied.
I am not condemning humanity for that, far from it, it's survival of the fittest and all that stuff, and I know there are people who do truly care about the well being of their fellow humans, but to count on every person in this nation to "do the right thing", is about as far fetched as you can get.
And no matter how pleasant a place America would be in the Libertarian world, it just isn't going to happen, and that forces us to deal with the realities of today, and to accept them as they are, or to change them in a way that has some chance of being successful, not by pretending that somehow we can turn the clock back and return to an era long since past.
If it were a matter of the balance of power remaining static, then fine, chase your pipedream, I hope you catch it, but unfortunately, that is far from what's happening today.
There exists a party that is under the control of the elite 1% of this nation, and in that party lies a sub party that acts as a force bent on bringing our nation to its knees.
Those would be respectively, the GOP, and the Tea party. The GOP partnered up with the Tea party for two reasons, they needed to expand their ever shrinking base of supporters, but mostly, they are both funded by the elite people and corps. in America, and have a similar agenda.
As recently witnessed, the Tea party is an out of control group of misguided bigots, who are now running roughshod over the GOP pussies that are too scared to oppose them, they value their job a lot more than they value America.
Now these GOP pussies and the terrorist acting Tea party puppets all took an oath, an oath that they are now breaking, making them dishonorable traitors, and they wear the title proudly.
So while the Libertarian party would just sit back and watch the show, there is a drastic need for those who recognize what the GOP/Tea party is doing to step up to the plate and defeat these treacherous bastards, and to stifle them permanently.
So while I understand that the Democratic party is flawed, and it too has its own corruption to deal with, it is at least fighting "FOR" the average American, not "AGAINST" them, and President Obama has proven over and over that he is trying to better our lives, not enslave us.
Every progressive thing suggested is shot down by the GOP/Tea party, they would rather see America burn to the ground than to see our President succeed, and if you can't see past your face enough to realize that, then I have no use for your views or critiques, please keep them to yourself.
Some of us are trying to get something accomplished.
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