Within a few months that car was having some problems so you took it to a mechanic, after he was done looking at it, he told you that it would need some work to get it running right.
You said, ok, I'll take your word for it, go ahead and fix it.
The car never really drove as well as you thought it should, and then after some months went by, your car had a major breakdown, you were in a panic, what am I going to do to get around you thought, but your mechanic said, leave it to me, I'll fix it up, everything will be fine, trust me.
Again you left your car in the hands of your able mechanic, this time however, he told you that your car was in great danger of a complete breakdown unless you took major precautionary steps to stop that from happening.
What could you do? You were stuck, you could not risk losing your car, so you said, well, if that's what you say I need to do, then I guess I'll just have to trust your judgement.
You were unhappy about these surprise charges, but what could you do? He said they were needed, and you thought you could trust him to have your best interest at heart.
When you again got your car back, it seemed as though it was running worse than ever, for the next few years you found yourself constantly having to pay your mechanic more and more money just to keep your car on the road.
Finally, in 2008, you had had enough, it was very obvious that your mechanic was not only inept at his job, but he was purposely soaking you for every penny he could steal from you.
You found yourself a new mechanic, and when you brought him your car he said, there are a lot of problems with this car, mostly from your previous mechanics lack of skills and deceitfulness, but this car is worth saving, it won't be easy, but I will do everything I can to bring it back to good health.
So you turned your barely running car over to your new mechanic, and right away he began to get it running right, he told you it would take some time to restore it completely, but that he would do the best he could.
For the next four years you would take your car back to your new mechanic, and each time you got it back you noticed it was running better and better.
But in 2013, you heard a strange noise coming from your engine, you took it back to your new mechanic and he told you that it needed to have some precautionary work done, but that it should not be too expensive for him to do.
If you haven't gotten the meaning of the story by now, it is this, President Obama feels that we need to show Assad and the others that using chemical weapons is intolerable, and a price will be paid if you choose to use them.
The people of the United States are in a turmoil of emotion over the possibility of punishing Assad for his actions.
The differences are miles apart, Obama has done all he could to end Americas wars abroad, he has shown nothing but integrity and honesty in the 4+ years he has been in office, and he has proven time after time that he can be trusted to make decisions that are in the best interest of America.
So now we need to do just that, to trust him, to afford him the confidence he has earned, and that he deserves.
The Bush/Cheney/GOP years caused most of our nations population to be distrustful of their government and its leaders, Obama is trying to restore that lost trust, so how about we cut him a little bit of slack, and not hold him accountable for the criminal behavior of the previous administration
Our President has knowledge of circumstances we don't, so lets not be ruled by emotions, lets be ruled by intelligence and understanding, an understanding that Obama has earned the right of our trust at every turn, lets afford him that trust now.
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