Well, are you confident that you know exactly why it is we refer to you as racists or nut jobs?
Allow me to make it crystal clear for you.
We here on the left believe that every woman, child, and man, regardless of their religion, race, sexual orientation, or skin color has a God given right to be treated equally.
We here on the left believe that we are indeed our brothers keeper, that there will always be people who will need assistance of one type or another, and that in a nation as abundantly blessed as this one has been, we feel that there is plenty to share, and that those who have reaped more rewards, should also share more of them.
We here on the left believe that if something is good for the entire nation, it is also good for us, if every American can have the benefit of healthcare that is affordable, then we are all better off.
We here on the left believe that it is much more important to be good stewards of our planet and its abundance, than to try and strangle out every last bit of value it contains, just to make a buck.
Now I'm not saying that some conservatives don't also possess some of these beliefs, but overall, you just appear to be rather selfish and self centered, not really caring very much about anybody but you.
But what makes us democrat/liberal/progressive types think that you are all either crazy lunatics or bigoted racists, is the people you choose to have as your representatives.
They openly promote shutting down the entire government if they don't get their way, an act that would cause untold long term harm to every person in America.
They block federal legislation that would create millions of jobs in America, as well as rebuild our aging infrastructure.
They spend mass amounts of time and tax dollars voting over 40 times trying to repeal a law that will give millions of Americans healthcare while at the same time saving hundreds of billions of dollars for our country.
They are absolutely opposed to anything that our President proposes, just to try and make him look ineffective and weak.
They constantly spread rumors, and falsely accuse President Obama of wrongdoing, when they know full well he is innocent of their charges.
They perpetually make thinly veiled remarks about his race, and his ability to lead America.
These are just some of the reprehensible and evil things your chosen leaders act out on a daily basis, there are many many more.
Along with all the things I have just mentioned, the conservative party also seems to have a great fondness for candidates who appear as though they just got released from the funny farm, or maybe they just escaped from there.
From our perspective, anybody that not only is tolerant of representatives like these, but endorses them with fervor, must be one of two things:
1. A bigot and/or racist who feels superior to others and desires that they should be afforded the recognition as such.
2. A nut job who is too arrogant or ignorant to realize that the people they are voting for have little concern for them, but big allegiances to the rich and powerful elite in America.
So in the future, when you can't figure out why someone is calling you deaf, dumb, and blind idiot, just refer back to this piece I've written, and you will understand.
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