Experts in the structural demolition field have also testified that the likely possibility of a skyscraper collapsing on it's own footprint without strategically placed explosives was impossible, let alone 3 different buildings in the same place and on the same day.
Hundreds of people including police and firefighters swore they heard and felt multiple explosions occurring in all 3 buildings. You can view video taken of the scene and hear for yourself explosions happening, as well as the evidence of Thermite burning throughout the structures, and of molten steel (the characteristic evidence of Thermite) puddling in the basements.
Now with that established, who would have the following:
1. Access to the interior building and elevator shafts
2. Detailed knowledge of where to plant the charges
3. Access to military grade Thermite
4. A cover story allowing them weeks of access to all 3 buildings
Let's dissect this in order of appearance.
1. To obtain access to the buildings and elevator shafts would require security clearances as well as a legitimate purpose for that access, just prior to 9/11 there was a reworking of the elevators done. A perfect opportunity to place explosives and to compromise the supports needed to insure the structures demise. Logic would dictate that a group of middle eastern young men attempting to pass themselves off as elevator repairmen would raise more than a few suspicions.
2. Having the appropriate knowledge of where to plant the explosives would be critical for a successful demolition, experts will tell you that weakening the supports of the structure is key to making sure of a complete destruction. You would need detailed plans and drawings of the entire building to know where to plant those explosives. How many people in the world have that kind of knowledge?
3. Anyone can make Thermite, but what was seen was evidence of military grade Thermite, a much much more powerful type of Thermite that is only used by the military. A grade so powerful and difficult to manufacture that obtaining it would be extremely difficult to do.
4. As shown in example 1, posing as elevator repair crews it would be possible for persons to gain entry to the towers for an extended period of time in order to place all thge charges needed.
OK, so that could explain the how's and where's of the story, but now arises the most important questions of all, "WHY" was it done, and "WHO" did it?
I think it is absurd to believe that a group of Muslim Jihadists could have pulled off the previously mentioned procedures in their planned attacks on the World trade center buildings. They were inept at even having their agents taking flying lessons without them being reported as suspicious to the authorities. The idea that this group had the skills, intelligence, networks, and opportunities to accomplish this feat is ludicrous. The successful execution of such a monumentally difficult task would have to be done by an extraordinarily adept team of professionals found only in the intelligence community, namely the CIA or the NSA or a group we probably have never heard of. This group would have the financing needed, the availability of controlled materials, the necessary false identities easily obtained, and the discipline and command structure required for such a complicated mission, qualities currently taught to the elite forces of America.
So who ordered this elite group to do what they did?
Recalling the previous attacks on the WTC in the !990's, the multiple attacks on our embassies, the attack on the USS Cole, and the Somalia episode, the Bush cabal knew that if the general public didn't demand blood for those events, that they would have to make damn sure that this event would be so spectacular that America would have to rise up and demand blood for blood. At that moment it was decided that the towers would need to fall, but they also knew that that would only happen if they were to assist it's destruction by doing what was done.
They got their desired results, and they were able to deceive America further by falsely implicating Iraq in the plot, then claiming Iraq had weapons of mass destruction ready to be used on the U.S. We entered a war that lasted 11 years, took over a million lives, cost trillions of dollars, and destroyed what little stability there was in the region.
No doubt in my mind there exists many more reasons for their treachery, for instance Dick Cheney and his company Haliburton making billions of dollars. The bottom lne is that these traitors have yet to be indicted for their actions. The evidence is there and grows daily, we need to bring these criminals to justice.
I have always thought Bush/Cheny had something to do w/9/11/01 all of the sudden Bush is in a classroom reading to little kids give me a break.. his dad tried to start war but not successful. blew the wtc up before a lot of ppl got to work.. lot of ppl but not like it would be in midday.. airplanes lot of ppl did not board.. it was thoroughly planed out..
ReplyDeleteCheck out "The Carlyle Group" and it's connections, you may find them interesting, or maybe incriminating.